
Call for Paper:

The 7th ICASEE conference will be held at the Faculty of Education, TIU, and the College of Science, SUE, on June 22-24, 2024January 28-29-30th, 2025.

The ICASEE 2024 is dedicated to offering a unique opportunity for researchers in Iraq, Kurdistan, and worldwide to gather, discuss, and collaborate within themselves and with international participants. The main theme of the conference is to embrace scientific research and value our people's lives. Aiming to apply science to serving the community, providing them with better health, a better environment, and cleaner energy.

Herewith, prospective authors are kindly encouraged to contribute to and help shape the conference through submissions of their full-length research papers.

The conference program will include prominent keynote speakers, international workshops, poster presentations, and paper presentations in panel sessions.

Author Guidelines:

Please refer to the conference website Guidelines for the aim, author guidelines, Important Dates, and others

The theme of the 7th ICASEE-24 is "AI Horizons: Integrating Artificial Intelligence with Advanced Sciences for Global Innovation" and will address scopes as shown below but not limited to:

  • Pure and Applied Mathematics and Statistics
  • Biology and Biomedical Sciences
  • Pure and Applied Physics.
  • Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
  • Computer and Data Science.
  • Geological Sciences
  • Environmental Sciences


The 7th ICASEE-2024 has cooperation with five well recognized publication venues. The selected papers in the conference will be considered for possible publication in:

Journals Note
Eurasian Journal of Science and Engineering (EAJSE) EAJSE is journal of Tishk International University and it is indexed in DOAJ and has DOI number.
Zanco Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (JPAS) Zanco Journal is journal of Salahaddin University and it is indexed in DOAJ and has DOI number.

Authors are free to present their work and not consider publication in the conference.

For more information you can visit the webpage: https://conferences.tiu.edu.iq/icasee.

We look forward to welcoming you at the 9th ICOWOBAS-2023 conference in Erbil, Kurdistan Region-Iraq.


For more details, please get in touch with us via: